Ansible: No module named ‘distutils’

When running an Ansible playbook with the command ansible-playbook -i <playbook>, you may encounter the following error: This error indicates that the ‘distutils’ module is missing, which is required by Ansible. To resolve this issue on Ubuntu, you can install the necessary package using the following command: By installing the setuptools package, you will ensure… Читати далі »

Mongo benchmark

Just for history We configured five elastic clusters with 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 shards, respectively, each with 32 vCPU shard capacity. The application was run with a batch size of 1,000 for 5 minutes while varying the concurrency on each elastic cluster. We configured an instance-based Amazon DocumentDB cluster with a primary… Читати далі »

Gitlab upgrade to version 17.6 is stuck

If you upgrade Gitlab to version 17.6 and higher and get error: Than the main problem in the table packages_dependencies that contains rows with null value in column ‘project_id’ You should find the project from where this packages ( try to look in the table ‘packages_dependency_links’) Update the projects ID in the packages_dependencies or Use… Читати далі »

MariaDB: Access denied for user ‘root’ on grants

After upgdate MariaDB to version 11.3 when I try to grant some privileges on custom users with ‘root’ account, get error: It because the root user doesn’t have all permissions ‘SHOW CREATE ROUTINE’ that can be fixed by adding permissions in the MariaDB Restart MariaDB with additional command line argument: Connect to the instance: Remove… Читати далі »

Cloudberry. Need to try

From Cloudberry Database, built on the latest PostgreSQL 14.4 kernel, is one of the most advanced and mature open-source MPP databases available. It comes with multiple features, including high concurrency and high availability. It can perform quick and efficient computing for complex tasks, meeting the demands of managing and computing vast amounts of data.… Читати далі »

RDAP: Replacement for Whois service

From documentation The Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) is the successor to WHOIS. Like WHOIS, RDAP provides access to information about Internet resources (domain names, autonomous system numbers, and IP addresses). Unlike WHOIS, RDAP provides: Simple installation on Ubuntu with Golang package And can be used as Whois Or can be installed by Snap