Каталог готовых виртуальных машин для VirtualBox

Автор | 19.11.2013

Случайно нашел проект в котором собраны уже установленые ОС для Oracle VirtualBox.
Как указано на сайте: это предустановленые ОС с минимальными изменениями, для быстрого запуска если нужно, что то потестировать
Набор ОС довольно огромный, но для любителей халявы – разочарование ) Все виртуалки собраны на базе бесплатных ОС

Скриншот сайта

Скриншот сайта

Список ОС:
GNU/Linux (GNU userland tools running on top of the Linux kernel)

Archlinux (website).
CentOS (website): the installation is done from the DVD, with default parameters set
Damn Small Linux (website): the installation is done from the CD, with default parameters set.
Debian (website): the installation has been done from the netinstall ISO image for the x86 architecture.
DeLi Linux (website).
Dreamlinux (website): the installation has been done from the CD, with default parameters set.
Fedora (website).
Fluxbuntu (website): the installation is done from the CD, with default parameters set.
Gentoo (website): the installation is done from the ISO image, then customized .
gNewSense (website): the installation is done from the CD, with default parameters set.
gOS (website).
Kubuntu (website): the installation is done from the CD, with default parameters set.
LinuxMint (website): the installation is done from the CD, with default parameter set.
Lubuntu (website): the installation is done from the CD, with default parameter set.
Mandriva (website): the installation is done from the CD, with default parameters set.
Manjaro (website): the installation is done from the CD, with default parameters set.
Moblin 2 (website): the installation is done from the .img/.iso file provided by the project.
moonOS (website).
OpenSUSE (website).
PCLinuxOS (website).
Puppy Linux (website).
Sidux (website).
Slackware (website): the installation has been done from the first CD, selecting the bare minimum disk sets.
SliTaz (website)
Tiny Core Linux (website)
TinyMe (website)
Ubuntu (website): the installation is done from the CD, with default parameters set.
Ubuntu Server (website): the installation is done from the CD.
Ubuntu Studio (website): the installation is done from the CD, with default parameters set
Xubuntu (website): the installation is done from the CD, with default parameters set.
VectorLinux (website):the installation is done from the CD, with default parameters set.
Zenwalk (website): the installation is done from the Standard Edition CD, with default parameters set.

GNU/OpenSolaris (GNU userland tools running on top of the OpenSolaris kernel)

OpenSolaris (website).
Nexenta (website): the installation is done from the CD.
MILAX (website): the installation has been done from the official ISO image.

GNU/FreeBSD (GNU userland tools running on top of the FreeBSD kernel)

Debian GNU/kFreeBSD (website): the installation has been done from the daily mini.iso.


FreeBSD (website):the installation is done from the bootonly iso


AROS (website): the installation has been done from the nightly build ISO image.
FreeDOS (website): the installation has been done from the official ISO image.
Haiku (website): the image has been done from the nightly build HDD raw image.
MINIX (website): the installation has been done from the official ISO image (MINIX 3).
ReactOS (website): the installation has been done from the official ISO image.
SYLLABLE (website): the installation has been done from the official ISO image.
Android-x86 (website): the istallation has been done from the daily ISO image.
Plan 9 (website): the installation has been done from the ISO image.

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