Для этого можно использовать простенькую програмку makepasswd
sudo apt-get install makepasswd
Использовать makepasswd довольно просто
makepasswd --chars 16 --count 7
– chars – длина пароля
– count – сколько паролей сгенерировать
Другие опции:
makepasswd v1.10, a utility to generate and/or encrypt passwords.
Copyright (c) 1997-1999 by Rob Levin . All rights are reserved by
the author. This program may be used under the terms of version 2 of the
GNU Public License.
Last modified on Monday, 7 April 1999 at 22:56 (UCT).
Format: makepasswd [option...]
Options are:
--chars=N Generate passwords with exactly N characters (do not use with
options --minchars and --maxchars).
--clearfrom=FILE Use a clear password from FILE instead of generating passwords.
Requires the --crypt or --crypt-md5 option; may not be
used with options --chars, --maxchars, --minchars,
--count, --string, --nocrypt. Trailing newlines are
ignored, other whitespace is not.
--count=N Produce a total of N passwords (the default is one).
--crypt Produce encrypted passwords.
--crypt-md5 Produce encrypted passwords using the MD5 digest (hash)
--cryptsalt=N Use crypt() salt N, a positive number <= 4096. If random
seeds are desired, specify a zero value (the default).
--help Ignore other operands and produce only this help display.
--maxchars=N Generate passwords with at most N characters (default=10).
--minchars=N Generate passwords with at least N characters (default=8).
--nocrypt Do not encrypt the generated password(s) (the default).
--noverbose Display no labels on output (the default).
--randomseed=N Use random number seed N, between 0 and 2^32 inclusive. A zero
value results in a real-random seed. This option
generates predictable passwords, and should normally
be avoided.
--rerandom=N Set the random seed value every N values used. Specify zero
to use a single seed value (the default). Specify
one to get true-random passwords, but plan on hitting
the CONTROL key a lot while it's running. ;)
--repeatpass=N Use each password N times (4096 maximum, --crypt or
--crypt-md5 must be set and --cryptsalt may not be set).
--string=STRING Use the characters in STRING to generate random passwords.
--verbose Display labelling information on output.